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Newsletter_Issue-13,Quarter-1 2016

With this issue ‘reflection’ steps into 4 year of it’s publication. We hope that the newsletter has been able to disseminate information related to the varied clinical work carried out by our healthcare givers as well as project a synopsis of the work undertaken by a varied departments. th We are proud to have signed a MOU in early March with Biomedi- cal Physics & Technology (BMPT) Department of Dhaka University whereby their Masters degree students would be able to do their internship in United Hospital. As part of our CSR activity our doctors, nurses, pharmacists, radiologists etc participated in a ...

Newsletter -Issue-12, Quarter-4, 2015

We congratulate and thank all those who have made this possible through providing articles and valuable time and effort during each issue. We are proud of our students of Post Basic BSc course of United College of Nursing who have shown tremendous achievement and grabbed 6 of the top 10 positions in the merit list. Our doctors have continued to participate in scientific seminars and session presenting papers in different forum. During the quarter we also collaborated with BAEC and IAEA to train radiotherapy technician and medical physicists to enhance their knowledge.

Newsletter Issue-11, Quarter-3, 2015

This quarter ended with a wonderful news in September, when Mr Faridur Rahman Khan, the MD of United Hospital declared the formation of Workers Profit Participation Fund for hospital staff, benefiting a total of 1,368 staff of United Hospital. This quar-ter also had our Foundation Anniversary on 24 August, the day when United Hospital stepped into its 10th year of operation. The day was commemorated by providing free health check up from a booth in hospital lobby, in addition special prayers were offered that day.

Newsletter Issue-10, Quarter-2, 2015

The highlight of this edition of ‘reflec-tion’ is the unique cross-border participation and live presentation of our Cardiologists in the 3rd Sri Lankan Interventional Cardiology Workshop presentation via satellite transmission. We believe this will add to the acclaim of our Cardiologists among the fraternity at home and abroad. Like in previous years, this year also we celebrated International Nurse’s Day by daylong festive programmes. This annual celebration brings all of us in the hospital together to salute the selfless work of nurses which they put in for the welfare of the patients.

Newsletter Issue-09, Quarter-1, 2015

With this issue ‘reflection’ steps into 3rd year of its publication. It is a platform where information concerning staff and the hospital is disseminated to inspire clinicians and non clinicians alike to be aware of developments and to change for better.

Newsletter Issue-08, Quarter-4, 2014

This issue of "reflection" marks the completion of two years of successful publication of the newsletter

Newsletter Issue-07, Quarter-3, 2014

On 24 August 2014, United Hospital stepped into the 9 year of its operation. The day was observed solemnly with Quran Khawni in the morning and special prayers after Asr prayers.

Newsletter Issue-06, Quarter-2, 2014

Hospital is a place where we all are engaged to provide treatment to patients, comfort to their relatives and attendants and health related information to people. This job is done by all categories of staff comprising of doctors, nurses, technicians/ technologists and also non-clinical staff of different departments like customer relation officers, housekeeping etc.

Newsletter-Issuee-5, Quater-1, 2014

With this issue of “Reflection”, we have stepped into the 2nd year of our quarterly newsletter. The first issue of the newsletter had 8 pages which jumped to 12 pages for the 2nd issue. This has been possible only because all of you have been generous with your contributions. We would like to thank all those who have given their time and effort and above all the articles that have flowed in. We would like to take up the challenge of publishing a 16 page newsletter, for which we need your support and contributions. Please give us ideas on how to make

Newsletter Issue-04, Quarter-4, 2013

All of you are aware that “reflection” started with the idea that the staff of United Hospital will have a forum where all the great and small happenings taking place, professional or personal,will be shared within the fraternity.